Official shirt design of the Napstablook character from Undertale.
Cover art for the vinyl record releases of Gradius 1, 2, & 3.
Officially licensed 18" X 24" screen print for Halo Wars 2. Hand-numbered, out of 200.
Shirt design for the second Star Wars Humble Bundle, in support of Star Wars: Force for Change and Unicef
Cover art for the official Minecraft novel, The Island, by Max Brooks.
AD: Scott Biel.
Shirt designs based on prominent items and characters from the Minecraft universe.
Clients: J!NX, Mojang
Album art for Pat Bourgeault's soundtrack from Curse 'N Chaos by Tribute Games.
Shirt designs based on prominent items and characters from the Minecraft universe.
Clients: J!NX, Mojang
12" X 18" licensed offset print for Shovel Knight.
Official shirt design for Rogue Legacy, available in red & retro grey variant.
Vinyl album art for the release of the SNATCHER soundtrack by Konami Kukeiha Club.
Clients: Ship to Shore Phono Co., Konami
Shirt designs of Master Chief and Spartan Locke for the release of Halo 5: Guardians.
Shirt design for the release of The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt
Shirt designs of the Protoss, Zerg, and Terran races for the release of Stacraft 2: Legacy of the Void.
Clients: J!NX, Blizzard
Shirt designs for the release of the World of Warcraft expansion, Warlords of Draenor.
Album cover and Kickstarter rewards for the release of The Glory Days.
Client: Big Giant Circles (Jimmy Hinson)
Album cover and Kickstarter rewards for the release of The Glory Days.
Client: Big Giant Circles (Jimmy Hinson)